Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Marathon Training Update

So I'm wrapping up Week #6 of 18 training weeks for the marathon and kicking off a new year, so this will be a dual purpose post.

First, marathon training.  The past few weeks have been good overall.  I took off time for the holidays and did way more cycling than I would have anticipated.  More to come on that point.  

Progress for Week #4

Progress for Week #5

Progress for Week #6

Progress for Week #7

So far, I've run 137 of the 128 planned miles.  :)

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Back At It

I'm back!!  

I've returned to New Balance and got new running shoes: New Balance 860v2.  

I've committed to running the Los Angeles Marathon, which is scheduled on March 17, 2013, and am in my third week of training.   My progress so far has bee pretty good.

Progress for Week #1

Progress for Week #2

Progress for Week #3

So far, I've run 22 of the 15 planned miles.  :)

My 13 mile run is a few weeks off and I've decided to run the Los Angeles at Night Half Marathon.

Overall, I'm very excited about my training.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Recap: 2011 Los Angeles Marathon


26.2 miles 
5 hours 20 minutes 
12:21 min/mile
3,295 calories burned

I completed my first marathon!!  Yeah!!  Now that nearly a week has passed and I'm somewhat recovered, I'm still on a bit of a high.  As I was training, I always said "I am training for the marathon," not "I am going to do the marathon."  Why?  Who would actually volunteer to run 26.2 miles...at once?  Not me.  Well, that's what I used to say.  Now I'm looking forward do my next marathon.

A big thanks goes out to my roommate, Karen, who was instrumental in helping me train and actually motivating me to get out there an run.  She can tell you there were days when running was the last thing I'd want to do, but thankfully we had each other to push through.  

Run Highlights
  • My iPod: Literally minutes before the race was to start, I try to fire up my ipod and it won't work.  My eyes were bugging out of my skull and I kept pressing the button to turn the power on only to stare at a blank screen.  It was a sheer moment of panic.  All of my training runs were with my iPod.  Audiobooks usually get me through the first half of the run, then I turned to mix of a Navy SEAL cadence (yeah, you read that right - it's awesome), R&B and Hip Hop to push me to the end.  Without my books/tunes, I seriously considered dropping out, but figured why not see what I can do.  The finish line was 2 miles from home anyhow.   

    I am not really sure what I did during the race to occupy my mind because lord knows there were times when I was bored to death.  Singing to myself helped.  (yeah, you read that right, too.)  I was also distracting by wondering where the next port-a-potty is located only to pass it by and not go because the line was too long.  
  • Rain: Karen and I did two training runs in the rain and joked that it could theoretically rain on marathon day.  Ha.  Ha.  Funny.  Funny.  It did rain.  Actually, it poured.  I'm talking rain that seems to come in from the sides and up from the ground.  At times, I looked at nearby runners and we simultaneously said "this is crazy," yet we kept on running (did I just hear Forrest Gump?)
  • Cold: What really made the day tough was the cold.  I'm very glad I had on a great running hat an warm, quick-dry clothing.  There were folks out there in shorts and tank tops shivering.  I heard a story from a paramedic who had to send an 83 year old man to the ER because his temperature was 90 degrees.    
Race Factoids
  • Weather: HEAVY rain with temperatures ranging between 50 and 56 degrees 
  • 1.7+ inches of rain fell in Santa Monica and downtown while Beverly Hills got 2 inches
  • Santa Monica and Los Angeles fire departments responded to nearly 300 calls to evaluate runners and walkers for hypothermia 
  • At 400 lbs., the World's Heaviest Man, Kelly Gneiting finishes the marathon and Guinness Book of World Record

Hi, Its Me!!!

Well here goes nothing.  I'm officially starting a blog to chronicle my travels...cycling, running...and maybe even some vacation travel.  I got the idea after completing my first marathon and checking out my friend, Samantha's blog.  This is a total work in progress, but I hope it will keep me motivated.